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Thank you for supporting students and innovative career-connected learning!

This is a FREE event. Register early to get all the event updates including fun opportunities to win prizes through our Golden Ticket Raffle and Heads or Tails Game.

Details on how to access the virtual event will be emailed within 24 hours of the event.

Consider making a pledge for the "fund-a-need" so that we know we can count on you at our event.

Please let us know how many will attend with you!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Free Registration $0.00
Let us know we can count on you during the paddle raise!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Fund-A-Need $100 $0.00


Fund-A-Need $250 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $500 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $1000 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $2500 $0.00

Fund-A-Need $5000 $0.00

I would like to make a donation

I authorize Career Technical Education Foundation to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Support Career-Connected Learning (Virtual Event). Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you

 Presenting Sponsor

Thomas Edison Sponsors

Marie Curie Sponsors

Nikola Tesla Sponsors



Updated:  09/01//2020 11:55:33 AM